[ T i t l e ]
estimate thickness of ceiling by muon-flux decay
# Configuration
[ P a r a m e t e r s ]
icntl = 0 # (D=0) 3:ECH 5:NOR 6:SRC 7,8:GSH 11:DSH 12:DUMP
ipnint = 1 # (D=0) 0: no, 1: consider photo-nuclear reaction
negs = 1 # (D=0) =1 EGS photon and electron
maxcas = 50 # (D=10) number of particles per one batch
maxbch = 10 # (D=10) number of batches
file(6) = phits.out # (D=phits.out) general output file name
# Radiation Source
[ S o u r c e ]
s-type = 1 # mono-energetic axial source
proj = muon+ # kind of incident nucleus
dir = 1.0 # z-direction of beam [cosine]
x0 = 0 # (D=0.0) center position of x-axis [cm]
y0 = 0 # (D=0.0) center position of y-axis [cm]
r0 = 3 # radius [cm]
z0 = -10. # minimum position of z-axis [cm]
z1 = -10. # maximum position of z-axis [cm]
e-type = 25
# Geometry
[ M a t e r i a l ] # Written in the order of material number, (atom & composition)…
mat[1] 12C 1.104 1H 1.0 $scinchlator
mat[2] Fe 1 $fe
mat[10000] 14N -75.5 16O -23.2 40Ar -1.3 $air
[ S u r f a c e ] # In the order of surface number, shape, parameterr. Parameters are in units of “cm”
1 rpp -2.5 2.5 -2.5 2.5 550. 551. $scinchlator1
2 rpp -20 20 -20 20 10 50 $3rd floor
3 rpp -20 20 -20 20 100 150 $2nd floor
4 rpp -20 20 -20 20 200 250 $1st floor
10000 sph 0. 0. 0. 5000.
[ C e l l ] # in order of cell number, material number, density, surface numbers
1 1 -1.104 -1 $ scintilator1
2 2 -7.85 -2 $ fe
3 2 -7.85 -3 $ fe
4 2 -7.85 -4 $ fe
10000 10000 0.00121 -10000 2 3 4 $air
10001 -1 10000 $outer region
[ M a t N a m e C o l o r ]
mat name color
1 scinchlator pastelcyan
10000 air yellow
# Tally
[ T - Deposit ]
title = Energy Deposit map
mesh = xyz # mesh type is xyz scoring mesh
x-type = 2 # x-mesh is linear given by xmin, xmax and nx
xmin = -10.0 # minimum value of x-mesh points
xmax = 10 # maximum value of x-mesh points
nx = 200 # number of x-mesh points
y-type = 2 # y-mesh is linear given by ymin, ymax and ny
ymin = -2.0 # minimum value of y-mesh points
ymax = 2.0 # maximum value of y-mesh points
ny = 3 # number of y-mesh points
z-type = 2 # z-mesh is linear given by zmin, zmax and nz
zmin = -10 # minimum value of z-mesh points
zmax = 290 # maximum value of z-mesh points
nz = 300 # number of z-mesh points
unit = 1
material = all
output = dose
axis = xz # axis of output
file = energy-deposit-map.out # file name of output for the above axis
part = all
gshow = 1 # (D=0) generate eps file by ANGEL
epsout = 1 # 0: no 1:bnd, 2:bnd+mat, 3:bnd+reg 4:bnd+lat
[ T - Deposit ]
title = Energy Deposit Axis
mesh = xyz # mesh type is xyz scoring mesh
x-type = 2 # x-mesh is linear given by xmin, xmax and nx
xmin = -10.0 # minimum value of x-mesh points
xmax = 10 # maximum value of x-mesh points
nx = 1 # number of x-mesh points
y-type = 2 # y-mesh is linear given by ymin, ymax and ny
ymin = -10.0 # minimum value of y-mesh points
ymax = 10.0 # maximum value of y-mesh points
ny = 1 # number of y-mesh points
z-type = 2 # z-mesh is linear given by zmin, zmax and nz
zmin = -10 # minimum value of z-mesh points
zmax = 290 # maximum value of z-mesh points
nz = 300 # number of z-mesh points
unit = 1
material = all
output = dose
axis = z # axis of output
file = energy-deposit-axis.out # file name of output for the above axis
part = all muon+ electron photon
gshow = 1 # (D=0) generate eps file by ANGEL
epsout = 1 # 0: no 1:bnd, 2:bnd+mat, 3:bnd+reg 4:bnd+lat
[ T - T r a c k ]
title = XY Profile
mesh = xyz # mesh type is xyz scoring mesh
x-type = 2 # x-mesh is linear given by xmin, xmax and nx
xmin = -30 # minimum value of x-mesh points
xmax = 30 # maximum value of x-mesh points
nx = 60 # number of x-mesh points
y-type = 2 # y-mesh is linear given by ymin, ymax and ny
ymin = -30 # minimum value of y-mesh points
ymax = 30 # maximum value of y-mesh points
ny = 60 # number of y-mesh points
z-type = 2 # z-mesh is linear given by zmin, zmax and nz
zmin = -10 # minimum value of z-mesh points
zmax = 290 # maximum value of z-mesh points
nz = 300 # number of z-mesh points
2D-type = 3 # 1:Cont, 2:Clust, 3:Color, 4:xyz, 5:mat, 6:Clust+Cont, 7:Col+Cont
axis = xy # axis of output
file = xy-profile.out # file name of output for the above axis
part = muon+
e-type = 1 # e-mesh is given by the below data
ne = 1 # number of e-mesh points
0.0 1000.0
unit = 1 # unit is [1/cm^2/source]
epsout = 1 # (D=0) generate eps file by ANGEL
gshow = 1 # 0: no 1:bnd, 2:bnd+mat, 3:bnd+reg 4:bnd+lat
[ T - T r a c k ]
title = Energy Histogram
mesh = xyz # mesh type is xyz scoring mesh
x-type = 2 # x-mesh is linear given by xmin, xmax and nx
xmin = -2.5 # minimum value of x-mesh points
xmax = 2.5 # maximum value of x-mesh points
nx = 1 # number of x-mesh points
y-type = 2 # y-mesh is linear given by ymin, ymax and ny
ymin = -2.5 # minimum value of y-mesh points
ymax = 2.5 # maximum value of y-mesh points
ny = 1 # number of y-mesh points
z-type = 2 # z-mesh is linear given by zmin, zmax and nz
zmin = -10 # minimum value of z-mesh points
zmax = 290 # maximum value of z-mesh points
nz = 300 # number of z-mesh points
2D-type = 3 # 1:Cont, 2:Clust, 3:Color, 4:xyz, 5:mat, 6:Clust+Cont, 7:Col+Cont
axis = eng # axis of output
file = energy-histogram.out # file name of output for the above axis
part = all electron muon+ photon
e-type = 3 # e-mesh is given by the below data
ne = 100 # number of e-mesh points
emin = 0.001
emax = 5000.0
unit = 3 # unit is [1/cm^2/source]
epsout = 1 # (D=0) generate eps file by ANGEL
gshow = 0 # 0: no 1:bnd, 2:bnd+mat, 3:bnd+reg 4:bnd+lat
[ T - C r o s s ]
title = z-distribution of fluence
mesh = xyz # mesh type is xyz scoring mesh
x-type = 2 # x-mesh is linear given by xmin, xmax and nx
xmin = -10 # minimum value of x-mesh points
xmax = 10 # maximum value of x-mesh points
nx = 1 # number of x-mesh points
y-type = 2 # y-mesh is linear given by ymin, ymax and ny
ymin = -10 # minimum value of y-mesh points
ymax = 10 # maximum value of y-mesh points
ny = 1 # number of y-mesh points
z-type = 2 # z-mesh is linear given by zmin, zmax and nz
zmin = -10 # minimum value of z-mesh points
zmax = 290 # maximum value of z-mesh points
nz = 300 # number of z-mesh points
e-type = 1 # e-mesh is given by the below data
ne = 1 # number of e-mesh points
0.0 5000.0
unit = 1 # unit is [1/cm^2/source]
axis = z # axis of output
file = fluence.out # file name of output for the above axis
output = current # surface crossing flux
part = electron photon muon+
angel = ymin[1.E-06] ymax[1.E-01]
epsout = 1 # (D=0) generate eps file by ANGEL
[ E n d ]